Monday, June 3, 2024

New Moon in Gemini (June 2024)

On Thursday, 6 June at 10:07pm Australian Central Standard Time we will have a New Moon at 16° 17’ of the astrological sign of Gemini. Jupiter, Mercury and Venus are also in Gemini, with Venus being conjunct with the sun and moon.

While Gemini can be a rather activate and chatty sign, this moon will be squaring Saturn, the Lord of Time, slowing down before it stations retrograde towards the end of the month, as well as squaring Neptune, both of which are in Pisces. This slowing down could be welcomed especially if you find yourself too caught up in your mental processes, your head, and need to take time to come back to what your body and intuition is trying to tell you.

While I am not an astrologer, I have put together some information from the astrologers that I do follow in order to provide some insight into what this conjunction could mean.  You can find that video on my YouTube channel by clicking on the image below: