Sunday, October 16, 2022

Start the New Year clearing the past with Kali Ma


If you are seeking a new start, especially when 2023 rolls around, then the Journey into Freedom with Kali may be what you are looking for. This 21-day sadhana (spiritual practice) invites you to enter into the sacred temple of the Hindu Dark Mother. Here you will explore the sacred myths and practices to aid you on your exploration with the goddess. The sacred devotional practices that will be offered will enable you to connect with this powerful goddess on a deep soul level in order to bring about ultimate change.

Are you ready to finally let go of what has been holding you back and limiting your spiritual growth? To throw these outdated patterns into the pyre once and for all?

Are you willing to offer your head (ego) to the Terrible Mother?

Although her appearance may appear frightening, Kali is referred affectionally as “Ma” (mother) to her devotees. Her love may be tough, but it is true. If you allow her, she will show you a love so deep that it will never leave you.

Journey into Freedom with Kali is a self-paced 21-day sadhana practice. Every day you will receive an email that will contain information of this powerful goddess. Some may contain mythology and personal connections, others suggested prayers and ritualistic practices for you to undertake. You will also receive a guided meditation for you to undertake as frequently as you wish to further enhance your connection and relationship with Kali.

How deeply you wish to venture into Kali’s sacred creative cycle of birth, death and rebirth is entirely up to you and how much you wish to personally commit to your spiritual evolution.

Are you ready to awaken to the gift of true freedom that Kali offers?
What you will need for this sadhana:

:: A journal/notebook to record your discoveries and journey with Kali in.
:: An image or statue of Kali - this can simply be a picture downloaded from the internet or even one you have drawn yourself,
:: You may also like to obtain a set of mala beads to assist you with the reciting of mantras.

More about the use and where you can purchase these beads will be provided within the course, however I do make traditional length crystal malas as well as an assortment of devotional beads (including those dedicated to Kali), oils, incense and other products through my Etsy store, LunaNoire Creations.

Journey into Freedom with Kali sadhana will be commence on Sunday, 8 January 2023 and will run until Saturday, 28 January 2023.

Investment: $99.99 AUD

More information about this 21-day on-line sadhana can be found here including how you can register.