Friday, November 27, 2020

Competition Time - Win a Book

I am running a competition to win a signed early pre-release copy of Contemporary Witchcraft: Foundational Practices for a Magical Life on my author Facebook page.

All you need to do are three simple things:

1. Like and follow this page: Frances Billinghurst - Author 

2. Tag two other friends. 

3. In around 25 words, share why you would like to win a copy of this book. 

You will have until 7pm Saturday, 12 December 2020 to enter. 

The winner will be drawn at the LunaNoire Creations stall on Sunday, 13 December 2020 at the Queen of Wands Psychic Fair at Klemzig! and announced later that day on my author Facebook page. 

If you are not able to collect the book in person, your prize will be posted to you - and this includes if the winner is international.