Thursday, August 20, 2020

Books, Covid-19 and Devotional Works

I recently sat down with Rebecca Buchanan where she asked me about my devotional work with various deities, including the Dark Goddess, how my spiritual practice has been affected by Covid-19, as well as my writing projects, both past and upcoming projects.

Rebecca is a pagan poet and author of fairy tales, fantasy, horror, romance and science fiction.

My interview with Rebecca can be found here.

I first became acquainted with Rebecca through her involvement with Bibliotheca Alexandria, who have published a number of anthologies that I had contributed essays and poetry towards including:

Unto Herself: A Devotional Anthology for Independent Goddesses (includes my essay on Neith),

A Mantle of Stars: A Devotional for the Queen of Heaven (includes my essay on Nut),

Queen of Olympos: A Devotional Anthology for Hera and Iuno (includes my essay on Hera),

From the Roaring Deep: A Devotional in Honor of Poseidon and the Spirits of the Sea (includes my devotional invocation and beach side ritual to Poseidon),

By Blood, Bone and Blade: A Tribute to the Morrigan (includes a piece of my devotional poetry).