Thursday, December 31, 2020

A New Year, A New Start

Finally, 2020 has been put to rest and what a year it has been - filled with challenges and moments of release as well as inward explorations into a whole new potential. As the new Gregorian year dawns, many of us are approaching it with a degree of hesitancy as the chaos that we became so intimately aware of during this last year, seems to be with us for a while yet.

However, there is much hope on the horizon - after 2021 equates to the number 5 which represents personal freedom (and the responsibility that comes with freedom) as well as change. Unexpected things may tend happen where the change is more acceptable and tolerated (especially compared to what we have more recently experienced). These changes will open up a greater sense of freedom that could be brought about through trying, learning about or adopting different approaches, new ways of doing things, as well as adopting new interests and learnings. We have already seen some of these things happen during 2020 with more people working from home, more on-line video conferencing platforms were established to continue teachings, which in itself enable more people to gain access to this information.

Tuesday, December 22, 2020

Congratulations to the Winners

There ended up being not one but two winners in my book competition - Veronica Gaunt and Tereza Karolin.

Congratulations to you both.