Friday, July 31, 2015

Update: Call of the God

It has been a while since time has permitted an update with respect to the proposed anthology about the Pagan divine masculine, Call of the God: An Anthology Exploring the Divine Masculine within Modern Paganism, to be made.  And I am delighted to advise that whilst the progress seems to have been fraught with a number of obstacles, the anthology is now in its final stages.
The first change was in the extended title to encapsulate the fact that this is indeed a joint project showcasing contributions received from writers, poets, ritualists and artists from around the world.

Imbolc and "Dancing the Sacred Wheel" is back in stock

Jonquils in my garden
During the last few weeks or so something amazing has started to occur - life is starting to return to the earth's surface after it's long winter sleep - or at least it is becoming more noticeable as the early cautiously making their appearance.   In my garden the delicious scent of jonquils awaken the senses as they emerge from between the ever flowing irises.  A fragile warming of the air can be felt as winter, usually the season of rest and withdrawal, comes to an end, and even the sun appears to linger longer in the sky.

Catkins and new growth is starting to appear all around the garden on seemingly dead plants marking another sign that life is returning to the land.