And with them eke, O Goddesse heavenly bright,
Mirrour of grace and Majestie divine,
Great Lady of the greatest Isle, whose light
Like Phoebus lampe throughout the world doth shine,
Shed thy faire beames into my feeble eyne,
And raise my thoughts too humble and too vile,
To thinke of that true glorious type of thine,
The argument of mine afflicted stile:
The which to heare, vouchsafe, O dearest dred a-while.
(The Faerie Queen by Edmund Spenser)
It has been a long wait but finally The Faerie Queens, edited by Sorita d'Este and David Rankine, is on the verge of being available, with notification being received from Avalonia Books this week that pre-orders could now be taken in readiness for the book's release next week.