Saturday, February 15, 2025

Discussions about Magic

What is depicted as witchcraft has changed a great deal since the 1990s when I took my first uncertain steps upon the path. It is not uncommon for me to struggle to find any commonality with not only the imagery depicted on social media, but even what is contained within some books.

Instead of using the magic and power of witchcraft to create change within our personal microcosms, it seems to reflect our modern world where the focus is on external desires of the macrocosm, where even the interpretation of magics performed is handed over to another - something that goes against the Four Powers of the Sphinx. This was one of the reasons why I wrote Contemporary Witchcraft: Foundational Practices for a Magical Life.

Some of these magical people you may know of - others you may not. However, they all have one thing in common. They all contain the magic within.

Starting Monday, 17 February, the first episode of my The Magic in You series will be aired on my YouTube channel. Here I will be sitting down with magical people from all around the world where we will be talking about what it means to walk a path that is magical, how it changes our microcosm which then flows onto our macrocosm. My first guest is the delightful Candia McKormack from the British pagan Goth rock band Inkubus Sukkubus.

I was first introduced to the music of Inkubus Sukkubus in the mid 1990s,  I had moved half way around the world to dance around stone circles, and ended up in Cardiff, Wales, where I was very fortunate to find a coven that helped me navigate the energetic differences between the hemispheres.  

News arose one day that this band was in town, and a coven outing, so to speak, was arranged.  This resulted in me being introduced to what has become "one of the most enduring popular underground Goth bands in the UK".

Join me every alternative Monday as I sit down with magical people from all around the world and discuss The Magic in You.

Thursday, January 16, 2025

Explore the wonders of Dendera and Connecting with the Stars

On Saturday, 25 January I will be offering my next online presentation through The College of Psychic Studies, this time on the Egyptian temple of Dendera, the Goddess Hathor and the Breath of Creation.

Join me as we enter Dendera, one of the more beautifully restored temples of Ancient Egypt, and explore its many secrets in this livestream workshop.

Dendera is dedicated to Hathor, the sacred Cosmic Cow and Mother of All, breathing life into all creation. Exploring this temple invites you into a deeper relationship with this goddess. Its walls, ceilings and crypts are saturated with powerful symbolism and hidden meanings, and we will study and unpack these for deeper understanding.

In this richly illustrated livestream workshop, we will:
:: Explore the deeper meanings of the zodiacs on the temple ceilings that reveal the cycles of the Eternal Return in which we reside.
:: Discover the meanings behind the images hidden deep within the crypts.
:: Understand the connection between Hathor and Nut, the Goddess of the Skies, who births the sun (Ra) each morning, only to absorb him again as darkness falls.
:: Undertake a guided journey to join with the Neter, Goddess of the Skies, and allow yourself to be reborn.

Saturday, 25 January 2025: 10:30 am - 1:30 pm UK time (9pm ACDT / 9.30pm AEDT) and will be recorded for those who register.  

Friday, December 27, 2024

A Metaphysical Look at 2025

From a metaphysical point, 2025 will be a year that will be bringing in some big changes.  From an astrological point of view, we will see each and every planet change sign – something that is extremely rare.

When we look at the year from an esoteric numerological perspective, 2025 is an universal “9” year.  This means it is about completion, conclusion and resolution.  In order for the new cycle of begin, the old one must end.  

It is also associated with wisdom, universality and altruism as we move from the individual to the collective, thus connecting it with compassion, generosity, as well as the ability to give without expecting anything in return.  As such, “9” is seen as being idealistic and connected with humanitarianism.  Because it marks the end of one cycle, it has also been connected with spiritual enlightenment and higher consciousness.

Within the tarot, “9” is the Hermit card in the Major Arcana, which is about enlightenment, wisdom, and self-awareness. It suggests powerful inner insights that are brought about through reflection, meditation, and contemplation.

Some of the major astrological transits for the new year are:

·        30 March 2025 Neptune moves into Aries after being in its home sign of Pisces since 2008.

·       24 May 2025 Saturn moves into Aries

·        June 2025 – Jupiter moves into Cancer. More emotional as Jupiter expands everything it touches.

·        July 2025 – Uranus moves into Gemini after 7 years in Taurus (since 2017).

Click on the image below to be taken to my video on my YouTube channel:

Saturday, November 23, 2024

Return to the Mother summit starting in less than 24 hours

It is a bit difficult to remain focused when something that you have been steadily working towards for the last six plus months is finally going to be made freely available to the world.

Of course, I am talking about my RETURN TO THE MOTHER online summit.

I was reminder of the late Buddhist monk, Thich Nhat Hanh, who once said that people get sick because they are alienated from Mother Earth, that they have forgotten that they are on Mother Earth, and that they have a body given to them by Mother Earth.

Is that not what has been happening to us?

Mother Earth – our Mother – the one who birthed all of creation.  Where is she in your life?

Is there a connection between how we treat our planet and the rejection of the Divine Feminine from our Soul Consciousness?

For this reason I have gathered together speakers from all around the world will share their thoughts and insights into this question and other interconnecting threads:

 ðŸŒ¹  Return to the Mother 🌹
Discussions about the Divine Feminine, Mother Earth and Goddess Consciousness

A five-day online summit that will be commencing: Sunday, 24 November 2024 (America & Europe) or Monday, 25 November 2024 (Australia & New Zealand)

Click here to join now (free)

🌹 Explore the connection between Gaia (Earth) consciousness and the Divine Feminine.

🌹 Understand the importance of the feminine archetype.

🌹 Consider the similarities of how Mother Earth and women are treated in modern society.

🌹 Investigate whether the devaluation of anything feminine emerged out of the removal and subsequent absence of the Goddess or Divine Feminine from many of the world’s religions

🌹 Ask ourselves why, regardless of gender identification, it is essential for all of us move from patriarchal oppression to matrifocal wholeness.

🌹 Determine the importance of establishing a more sustainable state of Oneness with our planet for the sake of future generations ...

This online event is FREE to all registered attendees. Simply click here to register today, and join me from the evening of Sunday, 24 November to Thursday, 28 November 2024 (USA, Canada and Europe) or from the morning of Monday, 25 November to Friday, 29 November 2024 (Australia and New Zealand).

Some of the presentations that will be taking place during the Return to the Mother online summit are:

  • The Divine Source Resides Within with Akosua Dardaine Edwards
  • The Return of the Archetypes with Dr Amit Goswami
  • Returning to Love: Sacred Womb Awakening with Ann Bromley
  • Healing the Damage of Patriarchy through Moon Circles with Bridget Engels
  • Modern Witchcraft and the Goddess with Christopher Penczak
  • The Dark Goddess: Retribution, Rebirth, and the Dark Night of the Soul with C.G. Dahlin
  • Exploring Womb Awakening and the Selkie tale as the Initiatory Pathway for the Modern Goddess with Deborah Stanley
  • Entering the Temple of the Goddess with Frances Billinghurst
  • Creating a Context in which She can Grow: A PaGaian Cosmology with Glenys Livingstone
  • How a Radical Guide to Reality invites a return to the Divine Feminine, the healing of the 'illusion' of separation and an emergence of Gaian Consciousness with Dr Jude Currivan
  • Matriarchy in the Animal Kingdom: The Glue of Creation with John Lockley
  • How Rites of Passage Ceremony and Earth Consciousness can assist in healing Patriarchal Wounding with Kallie Brown
  • Divine Feminine: The Antidote to Patriarchal Domination and Our Wounded Feminine Consciousness with Karen Tate
  • The Maidens of the Well: Reclaiming the Waters of Life with Kat Houghton
  • Growing into the Goddess: Claim your Divine Feminine power in dialogue with your Christian Roots with Kathleen Joan
  • Returning to the Mother at Midlife: Initiation as the Wise Woman with Keren Brown
  • Embodying the Divine Feminine through Movement with Leslie Zehr
  • Contemporary Witchcraft and the Rebirth of the Goddess: Devotional Practices to the Great Mother with Levi Rowland
  • The Five Earth Archetypes of the Wild Feminine with Mary Reynolds Thompson
  • The Full Embrace, Beyond the Veil of Separation with Naomi Amaya Love
  • She leads the Way with Dr Nicola Amadora
  • Returning to the Primordial with Patricia Awyan Lehman
  • Mother Earth and Her Magic of Rebirth with Phyllis Curott
  • Pachamama's Embrace: A Catalyst of Remembrance with Q'orianka Cornejo
  • Radical Earth Transformation: Newborn Consciousness Seeded with Hieros Gamos with RaMa Danielle-Marie
  • Matriarchy and The Great Mother with Stephen Mehler
  • The Eternal Feminine with Dr Valentina R. Onisor
  • The In-powerment of the Mystery with Zahra Indigo Rønlov

and more.

There is also the opportunity to upgrade to receive Unlimited Lifetime Access where you receive downloaded audio and video recordings of ALL presentations as well as additional gifts.